This affiliate disclosure policy is intended to keep our site visitors updated on changes per the FTC.

LAC Destiny's guiding principle is to always be honest and upfront with our visitors. Our primary aim, in writing amazing and free content is to help visitors find solutions to a problem, meet a need or fulfill a desire. As part of that, we sometimes recommend products and services that we genuinely believe will be of help in making our visitors' lives happier and easier.

If you click on a link to a product/service that we recommend and buy it, we stand to earn a small commission. The item does not cost you anything more unless specified upon purchase. This is called being an "affiliate."

That said, these are products we have tried and love/had recommendations from people we trust/don't have any direct experience of but have researched extensively enough to know that they will help our customers and clients.

If you buy a different product from the same place within a couple of weeks / 90 days, we may also receive a commission. You can find out more about this in our privacy policy.

Rest assured that this does not influence any of the information on this website. We always give our honest opinion/experience and we undertake to identify all sponsored content provided to you.

If you've got any questions about any of this, We'd be happy to help.

Contact us here to get in touch!



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